7th December 2019
- Rajendra
- Surendra
- Suman V
- Rama
- Niranjan
- Praveen (meeting minutes)
- Followup action from last meeting
- STC Inventory
- Telugu Badi initiative update
- Kuchipudi dance group update
- next events plan
- Financial status
Followup actions from last meeting
- Dassara event balance sheet will be ready by end of December 2019 (Suman)
- Surendra to talk to Mahendra about STC financial auditing
- Handover of finances from old committee is now considered closed.
- Meeting with election committee is still open due to unavailability of members and coming holiday period.
- Entrepreneurs connect – Initiative moved to January. Presentation material still to be prepared (Niranjan and Surendra)
STC Inventory
- Rama have received some inventory from old committee but many serving bowls seems to be missing or unusable.
- Only two rice cookers that are in usable condition and if any of the STC members want to borrow it, those can be rented for a fee of SEK 100
- Both rice cookers photos to be published on the website.
Telugu Badi initiative update
- International mother language day (21st February) and event to be conducted on behalf of STC on 22nd of Feb and the hall booking to be confirmed.
- An initial meeting with interested member organised during November and a Telugu Basha committee is formed
- Currently we are discussing the syllabus and level of Telugu classes
- We received a syllabus proposal from one of the member.
- Ganga also discussed with Manabadi, but their program seems to be advanced for our needs currently and hard to align with their strict timelines.
- Ganga/Praveen to call for a meeting with interested parents.
- Niranjan talking to potential sponsors for this initiative and positive feedback from couple of entrepreneurs.
- In the initial stage, Telugu badi will be offered as a free service and donations will be accepted from parents to cover any material costs.
Kuchipudi Dance group update
- Surendra will Email Indian Embassy to express the potential interest to get a kuchipudi dance teacher.
- We now agreed that this initiative is not high priority.
Next Events Update
- Process to start booking the Ugaadi event for 2020
- potential dates are 28th March or 4th April based on venue availability.
Financial Status update
- We have now received the promised amount from the sponsor of Ugaadi 2019 event.
- Balances seems to be positive after paying all the pending bills for Dassara 2019 event. Some contributors bills still to be paid upon receiving the bills.
- Balance sheet will be published after the financial audit in Q1 2020.
- Ugaadi 2020 event to be discussed in the next meeting
- Website to be updated with sponsor’s page.