Date: 2020-07-05
Place: Kista
Note taker: Praveen R
Surendra A | Praveen R | Niranjan K |
Suman V | Srinivas T | Rajendra K |
Ramadevi | Santosh Y, Harish K and Raju G were also present for the part of the meeting to discuss the possibility of the elections dates and next steps |
- AGM & elections
- STC membership extension
- Financial status
- Covid-19 fund
- PVN event expenditure
- Communication
- Telugu Language day
- Meeting with election committee
Election process and further steps
- AGM to be called on 5th September 2020 and request election committee to look into the possibility to conduct the elections on the same day.
- Chairman will communicate the number of open positions to the election committee
- Board
will have a separate meeting before AGM to discuss the motions that needs to be
proposed from Board.
- Action: Surendra to call for a sperate meeting
STC membership extension
- Board have agreed that , due to the given situation, we will extend the STC membership duration to September 30th 2020.
- New members who joined during this year will be offered a one-year membership starting September 30th.
Action- Srinivas T to make sure that the new email communication sent to all members and update the site accordingly.
Financial Status
- The current STC balance is 43000 SEK (Approx.,)
- Collected covid-19 fund by STC will be donated to PM relief fund. This process will be started, and all the donors will be contacted to confirm their consent to publish their names and amount in STC site.
- Action 1 : Suman and Surendra to contact the donors and send the money to PM relief fund.
- Action 2 :Srinivas T to publish the names of donors once Surendra and Suman confirm.
- We have collected 10500 sek from our members and board members have suggested that STC will contribute some appropriate amount to make the total donation to 1 lack INR.
PVN event
- P.V.Narasimha Rao centenary event expenditure is around 300 SEK. Board members will submit the expenditures.
- This type id events organised by STC , only if a Govt body contact us directly. STC board will assess the possibility to conduct such an event. In this case, Telangana govt have contacted us and 3 board members were present in the meeting with the represented minister.
- It has been reiterated in the meeting that the so-called Telugu WhatsApp group is not an official communication channel for STC, even though some of the board members are part of the moderators in their private capacity.
- Facebook page continue to be STC’s official communication channel.
Telugu Language day
- Telugu language is internationally observed on 29th August 2020
- We will look into the possibility and gather member interest if we organise an event for children to display their language skills.
Action: Niranjan to send an initial communication
Meeting with election committee
- Members from EC were present to discuss the election process, possible dates and the next steps.
- Chairman have informed the number of vacant positions to EC.
- EC will publish a notification to the members to invite nominations for the next term.